As of December 23rd 2023, Dr Metzman has Retired and the practice is not open for patient care. Patients can obtain their medical records by contacting Morgan Records Management, - (833) 888-0061

Cosmetic Dermatology


Michael S. Metzman, M.D

9951 Mickelberry Rd NW Suite 201
Silverdale, Washington 98383
Phone: (360) 692-7318
Fax: (360) 308-0758

Call for an Appointment!

If you're interested in having a professional skin exam, please call today. I would be happy to schedule an appointment for you and set you on your way to having beautiful, healthy skin.


Solve Your Problem Skin

In my practice in Silverdale, Washington, I offer a variety of professional cosmetic dermatology services to help you feel satisfied with your skin. The majority of them are simple and done in my office with minimal discomfort.

Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments

Iriderm laser

I can treat unwanted vascular lesions on the face using this laser. The procedure is quick, comfortable, and effective.


This is a straightforward way to help improve wrinkles, particularly on the forehead or beside the eyes (the "crow's feet" area). The procedure is simple, convenient, and done in the office.
Mountain behind the forest
Olympic range with water and trees
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